Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Continued Studies; 05/23/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


When considering this dynamic (that of the persistent dichotomy) and seeming lack of consistency within the larger social patterns of said "dichotomy - contradiction" which humans have seemingly relied on at several levels - it gives rise to a thought, a different perspective in consideration of such.

Since we have established that all things supposedly have their opposite, and it is that we base much of what we call truth on such a seeming consistency - then it is that there must be an opposite of the "one or the other" dynamic which we exist mostly within.

This apparent fact alone leans proofs toward such claims as a natural connectivity which I have explored in earlier works and entries. Further this "proof" within the obvious manner in which it must exist provides proofs that all is not "still," nor is meant to be so in entirety. As if it weren't enough that science has proved all to be comprised of vibration.

In this apparent proof and its obvious dynamic in countering the overwhelming consistency of that "one or the other" dynamic, is very much evidence that all "ebbs" and "flows." There is the "one or the other dynamic" so it is that there must be a counterpart to that consistency as a unified continuity.

This simply must be a fact or all that we as a species have established is a lie - untruth - which as can easily be established, isn't apparently the case.

I also observe that one of the most probable places where this "contrary" to "one or the other" exists and flourishes - must at least be partly within the "parent/child" relationship. Further then and partly as well, within the areas not committed to "win" or "lose."

I suggest that the dynamic of "ebb" and "flow" is much within that connectivity as well- that relationship between "one and the other" and what so ever the counterpart to that consistency is - again, if it is that all exists within the seemingly ongoing dichotomy of "one or the other," in the progression of "paradox." Then I contend that said consistency continues considerably if not exponentially. We just seem to have yet to discover it.... and further then, utilize it.

Further, it is easy to speculate that such is only one option so to speak, which we as a species have tended to gravitate toward.

Our consciousness seemingly exists predominantly within the "one or the other" side of that "level" with the given chain of ongoing dichotomies and paradox consistencies.

This then leads me directly to another wonderfully exciting place of thought, which is predictably (within our consistent tendencies);

What then comprises the "duality" within that opposite? Which then leads to other "dualities" presumably?

Perhaps such is more akin to that larger "reservoir" of "a priori" and subsequently "a posteriori" which I addressed in my composition titled Proximity Gestation, as well.

This isn't to say that I believe such a body to be wholly and entirely of that larger 'source," but more that I see it as one of the last areas of "filtration" for it, between it and our "reality." (?)

Delightful thought if I do say, simply as a consideration... Especially if it were that we as a species developed in such a manner as to better relate with it.... Perhaps even traverse it, or work it into our existence someday?

What could be beyond it within that apparent consistency?

Just as delightful, I must say - to toy with and consider.


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